Excellence Award In Masonry
Masonry Institute of Dayton Design Award
Wright Patterson Air Force Base Child Development Center
Excellence Award In Masonry
Masonry Institute of Dayton Design Award
Ohio Air National Guard
Medical Training/Dining Hall
Excellence Award In Masonry
Masonry Institute of Dayton Design Award
Korean War Memorial
Excellence Award In Masonry
Masonry Institute of Dayton Design Award
Yankee Trace Golf Clubhouse
*1994 Small Business of the Year Award |
*1994 Outstanding Service to Students - Sinclair Community
College |
*1994 Print's Regional Design Excellence |
*1993 Minority Business Opportunity Committee Award |
Achievement & Contribution to National
Treasure No. 1 |
Publication in Newsweek Magazine, "The Grand
Designers" |
*Ministry of Education, Korea |
*AIA Design Award for LTV Center |
*AIA Point Media Award |
*James P. Mueller Fellowship |
*Honorable Mention, Kitt Peak Competition, Hong Kong